Road construction

The requirements for bitumen for road construction become more and more complex and often, they reach out far beyond the particularations given in the EN 12591. NordBit deals with, designs and produces binders to correlate with the norms EN 12591, EN 14023 (rsp. E KvB of FGSV) and more.

The binders we present here are only a small selection from our product portfolio. Should the bitumen you look for not be included in this list, or if you look for a bitumen with certain, special characteristics, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Product data sheets

NordBit 160/220downloadPDSdownloadDOP
NordBit 70/100downloadPDSdownloadDOP
NordBit 50/70downloadPDSdownloadDOP
NordBit 40/60downloadPDSdownloadDOP
NordBit 35/50downloadPDS01downloadDOP
NordBit 30/45downloadPDSdownloadDOP
NordBit 20/30downloadPDSdownloadDOP
NordBit 15/25downloadPDS 
NordBit 10/20downloadPDSdownloadDOP

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